A great passion,pasta.
Our goal has always been the same: to offer consumers the highest quality. For this reason, from the selection of the best Italian durum wheat, with moder n milling techniques we extract a coarse, high quality semolina, rich in f lavors and fragrances. For the “egg pasta” we add many fresh italian eggs of fir st choice. Then, after having mixed the ingredients according to the recipe of the desired format, we start the kneading that must be slow and delicate to pass to the extrusion phase by means of bronze dies. The product obtained is deposited on frames and then dried, strictly at low temperature, for a time that for some formats exceeds 48 hours. Our pasta is packaged by hand. Quality ingredients, passion and maniacal control of the process: this is our simple recipe to obtain a handmade product that leaves unaltered the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of the raw materials.